Monday, December 14, 2009

Training - Have patience when training the Shih Tzu

Have patience when training the Shih Tzu. Young dogs do not possess the proper bowel control to become housebroken immediately. It can take until your Shih Tzu is six months to 1 year old before it can be successfully considered house-trained.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Training - Be positive with your Shih Tzu

Be positive with your Shih Tzu. These dogs are small animals and can be easily intimidated. Avoid scolding your puppy when it has an accident in the house. Dogs do not make associations like humans and it will not know what it is being punished for.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Training - Praise your puppy when it goes to the bathroom in the proper space

Praise your puppy when it goes to the bathroom in the proper space. Nothing reinforces positive behavior in dogs like praise. Whether it is a scratch behind the ears and some kind words or a special doggy treat, rewarding your puppy when it does the right thing will encourage it to do so in the future.

shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Training - Take your Shih Tzu out to its bathroom area every 45 minutes

Take your Shih Tzu out to its bathroom area every 45 minutes while you are home with the dog. This will help prevent accidents within your home and also help associate going to the bathroom with a specific place.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Training - Create a toilet area

Create a toilet area where your Shih Tzu can go when you are home and when you are away. Consistency is important for puppies, so make sure there is an area that is not reminiscent of your home's carpet or tile to act as the location for your Shih Tzu to use the bathroom. Use something like blacktop or grass to keep your puppy organized.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feeding tip - Homemade Foods

Some breeders and many veterinarians will suggest that you give your Shih-Tzu puppy high-quality, nutritional foods which can be made at home in order to ensure optimal nutrition. The healthiest foods for Shih Tzu's include organs such as livers and brains, lean cuts of meat such as chicken, lamb, and fish, vegetables such as potatoes or broccoli, and starches like rice and pasta.

Quantities should be given in that order, with organ meat making up more of the meal than the starches. Homemade food allows you to be in complete control of what goes into your puppy's tummy, as there are no preservatives, food colors, or artificial flavors in home-made food. These foods should be served with scheduled feedings in order to prevent bacterial growth, and should be prepared in the same manner that you would prepare your own food in order to avoid food-borne illness.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feeding tip - Free Feeding

Some owners feel that leaving food out for their Shih-Tzu puppy is the easiest way to ensure that their puppy gets adequate nutrition. Allowing your dog to free feed can be an easy solution and can aide your puppy in developing a sense of independence. Free feeding must be monitored, however, as if the food is there your Shih-Tzu may attempt to eat everything in the bowl regardless of whether it feels full. Watch your puppy's feeding sessions to make sure that they aren't going to eat until they become sick; if they don't seem to have any problems with free feeding, it can be a much easier way to handle the feeding of your puppy.

Shih Tzu - Dog Lover